FORGING: Innovation towards the digital and green transitions 

FORGING’s presence at MWC24 is framed within its scope to accelerate and achieve a more efficient up take by industry and society of solutions based on the six targeted technology frameworks within the project. These technology areas and its possible applications are representing multiple transformational opportunities, not only industrial or economical, but also taking into account societal and environmental considerations. 

Why now?

Europe is currently very strong in many sectors, but to keep its industrial sovereignty, it must secure early leadership in these new and emerging enabling technologies.  FORGING methodology comes in as a new approach to analyse the current state-of-the-art of these technologies, to envision all possible future scenarios for its deployment, that involves stakeholders from the quadruple helix of each ecosystems, it identifies challenges, needs, risks and potentialities, and promotes a value-sensitive approach for new solutions and their deployment taking into consideration its societal and environmental impact, and the implications of these novel technologies. 

Building this multi-level approach, in line with the Commission priorities, particularly the EU Green Deal, the 2030 Digital Compass, the EU Industrial Strategy and relevant national and regional priorities, FORGING provides a guidance and help industry and society to embrace technology pathways towards more digital and greener transition by promoting the absorption of novel emerging technologies. 

The FORGING future Playbook and Toolkit represent proactive tools resulting from this new methodology in order to facilitate guidance and materials for exploration, reflection, co-creation and evaluation of emerging technologies.  

Get involved ! 

Technology does not work in isolation, and a holistic approach is needed to assess how it connects and impacts the other parts of its ecosystem.  This is why FORGING constantly identifies and engages with agents representing the different areas of expertise, key initiatives, sectors and stakeholder groups targeted within the FORGING project and Forum.

Be part of FORGING

Getting involved with the FORGING Forum grants access to a series of foresight and open innovation workshops and expert interviews to co-design and co-create a plurality of potential future directions and draw attention to the social shaping of technology development, avoiding narrow visions for the future.

The FORGING Innovation journey is halfway through its deployment and we would like to invite you to be part of it.

Join the Forum and the upcoming workshops to:

  • Develop the criteria to assess emerging technologies in terms of their societal and environmental impact.
  • Select the 3 most promising technologies from each technological framework.
  • Expand the co-creation to develop specific use-cases based on the match be
  • tween the needs (market pull) and the technologies (market push).
Being part of FORGING