The new series of workshops on Novel Enabling Technologies for a Sustainable Future were launched, in Rome, in the premises of LUISS Guido Carli University, from 12 to 14 June 2024. 

It brought together experts from various fields, such as technology providers, adopters and end-user associations :  19 participants for the AI workshop and 15 participants for the cyber one.
The workshops were divided in two parts. The first session was dedicated to the introduction and keynote speeches: on 12 June on Artificial Intelligence from Giuseppe F. Italiano, full professor in computer sciences, and Cybersecurity, on 13 June, from Richard Baskerville, professor of information system. The second part was dedicated to the co-creation activity with the participants to define potential use cases.
For each technological framework i.e. artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, a set of technologies were pre-identified and discussed during the workshop. Participants collaborated in working groups to define use-cases in specific application areas to understand which emerging technologies could best meet the identified needs. The sectors that emerged were:
  • Artificial Intelligence : Agriculture and food market, Manufacturing, Health/ Wellbeing
  • Cybersecurity: Health and public administration
Participants also engaged in lively discussions and networking opportunities to collaborate on future activities. Overall, the workshop was an excellent opportunity for professionals to exchange ideas and knowledge in order to strengthen AI and cybersecurity, promote sustainability and shape the future of our society.