Early co-creation
The aim is to identify promising Emerging Enabling Technologies at an early stage. Several co-creation workshops were conducted to analyse challenges and opportunities of the emerging technologies at their very initial stage
The methodology to identify the technologies entails the following stages:
- Desk research
- Co-creation with experts
- Second desk top research
- Final strategic matrixes per tech framework

Examples of two levels of cross-fertilisation

Stages of the methodology

- Analysis on clusters of emerging enabling technologies and sciences.
Identify promising technologies from early stages on, led both by the societal future perspectives (WP3) and technological dimensions
Early co-creation with experts to identify opportunities and possibilities driven by new enabling technologies.
Review and analysis of strategic relevant documentation and repositories on emerging science and emerging technologies: identification of priority application areas based on the directions highlighted by frameworks such as the European Industrial Strategy, European Green Deal, 2030 Digital Compass and National and Regional R&I policies. In parallel, a review of existing EU technology frameworks and roadmaps will be performed based on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas by ETPs/PPPs, findings and reports by the Advanced Technology Initiative and other relevant tech-based initiatives/reference at international scale. Based on this technology scouting, a taxonomy will be created in the form of a Strategic Matrix, where emerging technologies will be associated to their potential target application areas.
This Strategic Matrix guides the in-depth intelligence analysis from which indications about key players, relevant patents and projects and papers
This task aims to uncover and reveal the main existing factors and implications of the technological frameworks and outcomes that have impacted unwanted and unintended consequences in society and in the environment. The task relies on preliminary interviews (8-12 interviews with people talking about technology implications) and desktop research. The scanning seeks existing studies and content from communities of practice, societal activism, and governmental initiatives.
Identification of promising opportunity areas: high potential S&T coupled with societal drivers. This task initiates in a co-creation environment involving experts from industry and academia taking the outcomes of the previous task and the societal future scenarios as starting point to lap the strategic matrix. Each technological framework will be approached in separate co-creation activities involving minimum 30 experts from the Forum in 6 early co-creation sessions. The most promising intersections between technologies, target application areas and societal drivers will guide an in-depth and more focused intelligence analysis along with a review of related IP, scientific works, projects and key players. The output is the identification of concrete technological opportunity areas and associated challenges to be addressed in further stages of the FORGING approach.
- Create a foundation for probes and frameworks used for reflection and consideration for individuals’ assessment, following co-creation sessions and technological innovation journeys/trajectories.
Co-produce a priority clustering of the technology portfolio, preliminary to the co-creation activities in Workpackage 4. Six co-creative validation workshops (one for each EU technological framework), will be conducted to co-define evaluation/scoring criteria to prioritise potentially sustainable and responsible emerging technologies, weighing aspects such as, e.g., societal scenarios, urgency, sustainable considerations, feasibility, human desirability, values