Explore emerging science & technologies
The series of Technology Clustering Workshops are dedicated to the technology frameworks As per identification by the European Commission, these are 6 : ArtificiaI Intelligence, Bio-inspired technologies, Digital Twins, Human-Machine Learning, Energy efficiency, Cybersecurity.

These workshops aim to first explore promising technologies and, on a second phase, identify a priority clustering of these technologies.

  • Methodology of Technology Clustering
  • The report below is a priority clustering of the technology portfolio, preliminary to the co-creation activities. Insights are collected in co-creation sessions where the Forum members will be exposed to Perspective Cards (developed in Task 4.1) to provide feedback and prioritize emerging technologies.
Foresight scenarios

Foresight scenarios

Explore emerging science & technologies

Explore emerging science & technologies

Technology Clustering

Defining criteria for identifying and prioritising promising technologies

Expanded Cocreation

Advancing towards application of technologies